2004 SOOB logo competition
Straight Out Of Brisbane is pleased to announce the annual 2004 SOOB Design Competition.
The competition last year was stiff, with the quality of some of the entries that didn't win extremely high (like Greg Nelson's poster design above, for instance).
Last year?s highly successful competition was won by a fantastic local designer, . We?re sure you?ll agree that Marni?s memorable paper-plane design was excellent and captured the essence of SOOB perfectly.
In keeping with SOOB?s commitment to providing opportunities for emerging artists and showcasing new design talent, we?re throwing open the doors for your logo and poster design entries again.
This year we?ve joined forces with Inkahoots, a Brisbane-based design studio with an impressive history spanning 15 years and a strong commitment to supporting the local scene. Inkahoots will assist with the competition judging, workshopping the final design, and providing professional development support and advice to our winning entrant.
Straight out Of Brisbane is a festival of independent and emerging arts, culture and ideas.
SOOB was started in 2001 by a community of young and emerging Brisbane artists who realised they needed much greater opportunities to network, market and showcase their work.
In just two years SOOB has grown to become the third largest festival in Brisbane (based on numbers of events and participants), and has become the largest new media and digital arts event in the state. It is also Queensland?s largest gathering of independent and emerging artists and creative industries professionals.
The key goal of the festival is to create a national event that focuses on the exploding creativity of Brisbane?s young, emerging and independent artists, thinkers and creative entrepreneurs.
The SOOB logo and poster design aims to convey the cutting-edge creativity of the festival. It needs to appeal to a young audience (18-30 year olds), 90% of whom are expected to be artists, designers and creative industries practitioners themselves.
Some of the artforms that SOOB represents provide a good insight into the festival?s focus and ethos: independent computer game design, sound art, public art, new media and digital art, video, stickers, stencils, graf, badges, experimental and activist film, installations, game hacking and reversing, and multimedia.
SOOB is also a uniquely Brisbane event, and draws much of its inspiration from the urban and built aspects of our city. Last year?s design is a good example of a ?SOOB? take on a common Brisbane scene ? the outline of the CBD.
This is a competition for independent and emerging Queensland designers (entries from outside south-east Queensland are welcomed). If you think that you are an already established designer, or if you already have full-time work as a designer, this competition is probably not for you.
1.) A logo design ? in both colour version and black + white
Your logo design should include the following info:
Straight Out of Brisbane
A festival of independent and emerging arts, culture and ideas
Brisbane, December 2 ? 12, 2004.
Submit your design as a high-level jpeg or .png file.
2.) An A3 poster idea, incorporating your logo ? in both colour and black + white
The poster design should leave space for sponsors' logos.
Please do not send the poster to size - an A5 size jpeg or smaller is fine.
If you'd like, you can also send higher resolution files on CD to us in an industry recognised graphics format such as .tif, .psd or Adobe illustrator format. All CDs should be readable on PCs, and all files should also be PC readable, so Mac users please burn ISO disks and save in cross-platform formats.
Entries can be emailed to or posted on CD to:
Straight Out of Brisbane
Visible Ink Building
139 Constance Street,
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006.
:: PRIZES ::
The winning design will become the visual identity for SOOB 2004. Your design will be applied to posters, postcards, sticker, badges, t-shirts, SOOB letterhead and the festival program. It will circulate around Brisbane for the next 6-9 months. As the winning designer, you will have the benefit of designing a professional visual identity for a large, multi-arts industry event. You will be credited in SOOB?s program and website as the designer of the festival?s 2004 visual identity, and SOOB management will recommend you for design work to other arts organizations and creative industries businesses.
The winning entry will also receive a 3.2 MP HP Photosmart 735 digital camera:
You can find out about the specifications of this camera at the HP website, here.
The competition will be judged by members of Inkahoots and the Straight Out Of Brisbane management committee. All decisions will be final and we won?t be changing our minds or considering appeals.
Email us or phone (07) 3403 0844.
You can still enter up until Friday 9am August 13th.
:: THANKS ::
Many thanks to Jason Grant and the Inkahoots team for their support.