The 2004 Creative Industries Micro-Business Forum will be held on the 6th and 7th of December at the Metro Arts Studio space.
ABOVE: Patrons at the 2003 Forum, held at Visible Ink.
2004 Creative Industries Micro-Business Forum
Brought to you by SOOB and Metro Arts' Biz Arts MAkers
Monday 6th + Tuesday 7th December, 12.30pm - 6pm
109 Edward St, Brisbane CBD
COST:: $30 per day or $50 for two days
The 2004 Creative Industries Micro-Business Forum is a two-day forum
focussing on entrepreneurialism in the arts and creative industries. Following on from last year?s successful Creative Industries Micro-Business Forum at the SOOB festival, this year?s program is
designed for working artists, students, sole traders and small business people in the creative industries.
The forum aims to build understanding of how sustainable small businesses can be successfully developed in the creative industries. It will promote information sharing, skill development and networking. The forum will feature case studies of successful creative small businesses, as well as panel discussions.
The Creative Industries Micro-Business Forum is an initiative of SOOB and Biz Arts MAkers.
12.30pm – 1.00pm :: Registration
1.00PM – 1.10PM :: Welcome
Liz Burcham and Ben Eltham introduce the ?rst day of the forum, covering the goals of the program and the topics and speakers to be featured.
1:10pm – 1-20pm :: Opening – Cathy Hunt, Positive Solutions
Thinking entrepreneurially - setting the scene for the forum.
1.30pm – 2.20pm :: Keynote Speaker
Mark Jarman, Senior Corporate Counsel, Seven Network; Director, Talentworks, Alternate Director – Ticketmaster7 and AFL Films. Mark is part of Seven Network's New Media and Investment Group responsible for Seven's investments in convergent media, music, broadcast and stadium assets.
Mark has negotiated deals with everyone from individual artists through to large corporate take overs. He's very familiar with the theatre of negotiation. Mark will share with you the best way to approach a deal. What's expected of you as the artist? What will a media company or agency be looking for? What rights can you expect to keep and how much do you have to give away? How far can you negotiate? And at what point will you risk the other party walking away? Mark will give an insight into the secret world of getting the right deal for you and your project. Whether you're just starting out and negotiating free performance space, or ready to sell your product to a television network or music publisher, Mark's insights will be hugely valuable to all creators.
2.30pm – 3.20pm :: Panel Discussion: Thinking Entrepreneurially in the Creative Industries
Making money out of your creative practice can be a hard road. How do you commercialise your ideas while keeping your passion and creativity alive? What are the common pitfalls for sole traders and start-up small businesses in the creative industries? How do you spot opportunities in the market and exploit them without selling out?
FEATURING: Lisa Hathorn (Seven Network), Micheal Straight (2-Sense Productions), Sue Benner (Metro Arts), Andy Rantzen (Itchee + Scratchee)
3.30pm – 4.00pm :: Afternoon Tea Break
4.00pm – 4.30pm :: Case Study: 2-Sense Productions
Micheal Straight and Andrew Gibbs founded 2-Sense Productions in early 2003. They talk about growing a small audio-visual production business into domestic, commercial and artistic markets.
4.30pm – 5.00pm :: Case Study: Andy Rantzen
Andy Rantzen, former dance ?oor god from Itchee + Scratchee, talks about retaining your artistic identity in the creative industries… while still getting paid.
5.00pm - 5.50pm :: Being Strategic
How strategic can you be when you're developing a creative business? What does ‘being strategic' mean? Some would say that the strategy gets in the way of the art and you can't be creative when there is a plan to how it all evolves. How is strategic planning different in the creative industries?
FEATURING: Lisa Hathorn (Seven Network), Liz Burcham (Biz Arts MAkers), Deanne Brogan (Engaged Communities), Helene George (Creative Economy)
12.30pm – 1.00pm :: Registration
1.00pm - 1.10pm :: Welcome
Liz Burcham and Ben Eltham introduce the second day of the forum, covering the goals of the program and the topics and speakers to be featured.
1:10pm - 1.30pm :: Case Study: Bolam Legal
Peter Bolam is the principal of Bolam Legal, a leading entertainment and creative industries legal service provider. The start-up ?rm specialises in advising on the protection and development of intellectual property. Peter also likes to talk about breaking away from a large law ?rm to start his own boutique small enterprise.
1.30pm - 1.50pm :: Case Study: Punks Palace
Marcus Graham and Tess Hall talk about setting up a new production company in Brisbane, with particular emphasis on the performing arts.
2.00pm - 3.00pm :: Panel Discussion: Concrete Marketing Strategies
How do you attract audiences when you don't have a marketing budget to speak of and it feels like there are more shows than audiences to attend? This panel will discuss marketing tools and promotional strategies, with an emphasis on measuring results, and simple techniques you can employ right away.
FEATURING: Tess Hall (Punks Palace), Anthony Aitken (Revolution Distribution), Kate Eltham (Clarion South Writers Workshop), Sarah Rossiter (Queensland Writers Centre)
3.00pm - 3.30pm :: Afternoon Tea
3.30pm – 4.00pm :: Case Study: Scene Magazine
Pat Whyte and Shane Turner talk about their journey from employees to owner-operators at Scene Magazine, Brisbane's leading weekly street press publication.
4.00pm – 4.30pm :: Case Study: Revolution Distribution
Anthony Aitken, modern-day marketing guru from Revolution Distribution, talks about his experience setting up his small business and liaising with some of the biggest players in the industry, like Big Day Out, Livid and Micheal Coppell.
4.30pm - 5.45pm :: Open Forum Discussion
Opportunity for the audience to make comment on the previous two days as well as provide feedback to the industry leaders and government. Representatives from government and arts organisations will be invited to attend.