Visual Arts Program


Happening all festival ...

Every Day from 12:00 - 6:00PM :: TOYS 88 SHOP TC BEIRNE BUILDING

A daily series of projected screen based works by local artists
Wednesday - Clare Chippendale
Thursday - Grant Stevens
Friday - Madeline King
Saturday - Jemima Wyman
Sunday - Laura Krikke

Lab Gallery - artist talks - screenings
Every day 10:00am - 6:00PM :: Shop 4 TC Beirne Building

A hub of circuits and data transfer of insect intensity, come and check out some of Brisbane's quirkiest online and screen based interactive works. Open for play and inspection, come mash your hedz into some screens. BYO Posters and wall decorations to make it all look purrrty.
Featuring: PixelBitches - The Terrarium, Archimedia - Space Flow Data, Type Slowly - run_robot_run, Seth Sternberger (USA) - commodore 64 game - Silo64
Anita Johnston's on-line virtual world - Underland, Ben Ashcroft - Trouble in the kitchen, Fiona Smith - Flow On, Sam Whetton - Gristle Mania.
Featuring on the Electronode TV:
Wed: Klip Art
Thur: Political TV - Kill Your TV, Laura Krikke and more
Fri: Archimedia
Saturday: TREATS - audio visual off-cuts produced by Thea Baumann and Tara Pattenden
Sunday: NEXUS - an audio/visual re-mix chain, a chinese-whispers video experiment between Brisbane based new-media artists.

Each day of the Festival :: Shop 3 + Shop 5, TC Beirne Building

A two room exhibition of new-media installations which range from using hi and low end technology such as light and pressure sensors to hacked atari consoles to explore the physicality of the body and the human/machine interface. Works rotate half-way through the week.
Featuring: Sam Whetton - It's a creature, Richard Allen + Kris Jasper - One_Versus_Many, Fiona Smith + Michael Cox - PulseFiction, Alex Gillespie, Cameron Owen.

Here, Now - exhibition
12PM - end of the festival :: Fugi Shop, TC Beirne Building
Where do you find inspiration? What colours, sounds, people, weather, objects, actions prompt you to think, "hell, yes!" and run to the craft cupboard / studio / dancefloor / kitchen? Here, Now is an exhibition that aims to capture a collective expression of a particular time - how Brisbane culture is evolving captured by local photographers.
With: Illana Cook

Wed-Fri 11:00AM - 6:00PM, Sat 11:00AM - 4:00PM :: THE FARM

Solo exhibition by local emerging artist Rachael Haynes.
Featuring: Rachael Haynes

Public Art at the festival

After dark Thursday - Sautrday :: Various locations

Brisbane's all star vidi-yo pyr8 space invaderz. A ruthless squad of sonic terrorists, pixel perverts and remixilogical theologans, Pixel Busters posse manipulate the highs and lows of guerilla technology to inject their mutant media virus directly to the high seas of yr highway arterial. Keep yr eyes peeled as they as they make their way around the valley in their big red fire engine, pasting pixels on public walls as they go.


A number of artists design posters for site specific installation on any applicable surface in Fortitude Valley.
Curated by: Amanda Cuyler and Sally Brand and featuring anonymous artists.


Each night at dusk, artists will produce sound works which reflect and intervene with their site specific location in Fortitude Valley.
Curated by: Amanda Cuyler and Sally Brand and featuring:
Wednesday - Jacqui Vial
Thursday - Wayne Nelson
Friday - Jess Hynd
Saturday - Jesse Sullivan
Sunday - Patrick King

Details and map will be distributed at the Homebrew Partty and can be also found in TOYS 88 in the TC Beirne Building

The Alley Project acknowledges art and artists who work outside the realms of the 'white box' using the street scape as their surface. The alley - an often unused urban space - will be transformed with artworks that address the relationship between nature/culture; and inside/outside. The project aims to reclaim public space from the media images that permeate our surroundings by placing individual expressions in the public domain in order to provoke thought and at the very least, jolt one out of the passive acceptance of normality.
Featuring: Anonymous artists.

Fri 5th Dec All Day :: Various Locations Around Brisbane's CBD

The Space Project is dedicated to presenting and documenting art that exists without any reliance on the gallery system.
Curated by: Sebastian Moody and Shaun O'Connor.

Insert in Local Art - SOOB Edition Publication

Tacky is a sticker show whereby artists are invited to design a black and white sticker as part of an edition. Sticker pages can be found inside copies Local Art soob edition and at other soob events.
Curated by: Amanda Cuyler and Sally Brand and featuring: David Spooner, Dirk Yates, Archie Moore, Lucy Griggs, Ken Leslie, Amanda Cuyler, Tony Albert, Peter Alwast, Emma Boyes, Shaun Western, Kitty Taube, Grant Dale, Chris Howlett and more!

Various times throughout the festival :: Various Locations

Peer Projects presents the launch of Peer Space, a mobile exhibition space that can appear at any place at any time. Keep an eye out for Peer Space when attending other events during SOOB.
Curated by: Rachael Haynes and Chris Handran

Various parks and open spaces in the Fortitude Valley Area

In the time leading up to SOOB 2003, a local artist scatters wheat seeds on various urban grassed areas. As the seeds sprout, lush green geometric patches rise up above the often water-starved lawns of summer-time Brisbane. Only to be mowed down by the next council gardener, or trampled on by the next pedestrian.

Duration of the Festival :: Fat Boys and Ric's café, Valley Mall

Mixed media works presented as table cloths. The work is fresh, addressing the city we live in as we live in it, in REAL TIME. Taking inspiration from recent news items, cultural events and gossip relevant to the residents and visitors of Brisbane as summer unfolds. Valley patrons will find their opinions questioned and their brains bombarded -- the desired after-effect of this action by the artist is to instigate some damn good table conversation!
Artist: Ciel Fuller

Duration of the Festival

Large scale mural addressing people and public spaces.
Artist: Dan Brock

Duration of the Festival :: Various Public Spaces

In the 70's Andy Warhol predicted that everyone would be world famous for fifteen minutes, a prophecy that has been realised by the ascent of industries perpetuating myths of instant fame attainability. The Fame Jealousy Project is a temporary public artwork motivated by the current trend of fame jealousy amongst youth raised on reality television, pop stars and pop culture. The images exhibited will be large scale photocopies that explore issues of instant fame and notoriety - the subjects will be 'famous' simply because they have been captured by the camera and plastered on the wall, referencing the reality tv/manufactuered pop notion that ordinary people may be effortlessly morphed into pop superstars.
Featuring: Kate Dickson and Susie Adams

Fri Launch at the Metro Arts Development Space :: Various Public Spaces

The folding picture game is now a poster. Pick up and post your copy today. 'Exquisite Corpse' is a collaboration among pen wielding monster making minds.
Instigated by: Miranda Williams

See the Visual Art Program at TOYS 88 in the TC Beirne fior more info on SOOB public art ...

Wednesday 3rd December

Making art and making it happen
1:00PM - 3:00PM :: IMA Screening Room, Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Art

A panel which discusses artists as curators - the tensions which may emerge and the benefits of being a practitioner and a curator.
With: Chris Handran, Rachael Haynes, Amy Thompson and facilitated by Amanda Cuyler.

State your agenda
4:00PM - 6:00 PM :: IMA Screening Room, Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Art

A panel which addresses political practices and what it might possibly mean to make or not make 'political' art.
With: James Dodd, Grant Stevens, Debra Porch and facilitated by Amanda Cuyler.

Homebrew: exhibition opening
6:00PM - 8:30PM :: The Festival Club

This party will be exhibiting and celebrating Brisbane's artists and artwork, as well as embracing another hot and long summer. Zine's and badges will also be on sale.
With: Carmela Ruffino, Rachel Burton, Clare Chippendale, Grant Stevens, Dirk Yates, Lucy Griggs. Bo Stahlamn, Anko. Rinzen, Emily Berndt, Janis Murillo, Dane Walsh, Luke Lynam. Curated by Jo Laboo and Hannah Gatland

Thursday 4th December

The role of the critic in art
12:00PM - 2:00PM :: the Festival Club

Is the true, positive function of art criticism to improve and develop art practice? How does cynicism bastardise this function? The politics of writing about art you don't practice or love and the dangers of being a 'voice of god' in an art scene. Do you need to have a vision for how you want an artistic field to evolve to actually be a constructive critic?
With: Ben Eltham & Mark Gomes, Neil Bramley, Andrew Tuttle.

1:00PM - 3:00 PM :: IMA Screening Room, Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Art

A panel exploring the history of performance art within the Brisbane context and a discussion of current performance artists' practices.
With: Simone Hine, Timothy Kendall Edser and facilitated by Sally Brand

Connect 4: Four on the Floor: Channel 4: Cross Section: 4 Track - exhibition opening
6:00PM :: 60 Merivale Street, South Brisbane

Connect 4: four spaces, four systems, four shows, four artists. Object - Video - Sound - Installation. Join up the dots and connect four to win!
With: Rachael Haynes and Chris Handran (curators)

Loose Threads - exhibition opening
6:00PM - 8:00PM :: Shopfronts of Ann Street, Fortitude Valley

Loose Threads is a shopfront project that explores the construction of subjectivity. Located within the window spaces of selected clothing stores along Brunswick Street East and Ann Street, the project seeks to pluck, loosen and unravel the effects of signification.
With: Jo Laboo, Timothy Kendall Edser, Selina Braine, Rachael Haynes, Sebastian Moody, Freya Pinney, Kitty Taube and Jemima Wyman. Curated by Jose Da Silva and Liz Watson.

Friday 5th December

Culture Jamming: the edges of resistance
1:00PM - 3:00PM :: The Festival Club

Culture Jamming - billboard liberation, subverts & anti-ads, stencilling - purports to use the enemy's tools against them. But does it? Advertising theory is based around 'registration' - the idea that brands are built by exposure, which builds recognition. Are culture jammers, by mimicking ads' iconography, actually contributing to brand registration - playing into the advertisers' hands? Or is there an 'outside' of advertising? What is radical art anyway? Is street art in galleries a capitulation to the art market or an act of vanguardism? What is resistance and what is co-option?
With: Danni Zuvella, Mickey Quick, Emile Zile & Arlene Texta Queen

The Christmas Sellout
5:00PM - 7:00PM :: Studio 11, Level 3 Metro Arts

This Christmas why not share the joys of art with you're loved ones? Studio11 gives you that opportunity in the BIG CHRISTMAS SELLOUT! For one night only you can buy works from a wide range of talented young artists. All works will be reasonably priced, and all money goes directly to the artists. Hurry, stocks won't last! These bargains are never to be repeated.
Curated by: Rachael Haynes & Chris Handran

Night Visions - exhibition opening
5:00PM :: Institude of Modern Art

Showcasing Brisbane's local video artists in a public space: the Institute of Modern Art in the heart of Brisbane's metropolis. Night Vision will be projected on the glass windows of the IMA in Berwick St for pubic viewing from dusk til dawn throughout the week of SOOB. The aim of these shorts is to promote visual perception through technology in the public arena, enabling the viewer to question the techniques of video and sound.
With: Lisa Nolan (curator)

You've just got to live with it - exhibition opening
6:00PM - 8:00PM :: Metro Arts Development Space

An installation of paintings and assorted by Miranda Williams. Places and headspaces.
With: Miranda Williams

Neo-contre - exhibition opening
6:00PM - 8:00PM :: Shop 7, TC Bierne Building

Show of political art responding to and against neo-conservative (neo-con) policies abroad and their influence here in Australia.
With: Belle Budden, James Dodd, Simon Hunt, Escape from Woomera, Jenny Fraser, Deborah Kelly, Angel Kosch, Tim Plaisted, THINK AGAIN. Curated by Tim Plaisted.

Drive-through - exhibition opening
7:00PM - 9:00PM :: The Alleyway, Metro Arts

Drive-thru will featuring the work of five young Brisbane painters whose work explores various forms of mark making. These works will be presented in the MetroArts alley in dialogue with the marks and gestures already present.
With: Rachael Haynes (curator)

Saturday 6th December

Inscribed - Performance Art
12:00PM - 2:00PM :: Shop 9, TC Beirne Building

A woman whose image may have once been part of a silent film sits reading a book; the contents of which has been displaced.
Featuring: Simone Hine

Investigating the Urban: Part 1 - Invasions
12:00PM - 2:00PM :: The Festival Club

How do art invasions, which forge their way into public/urban spaces, both feed off and affect our reading and understanding of these spaces? This panel will look at the urban implications of these invasions from a number of perspectives. The way in which these art forms tap into existing mechanisms for experiencing and navigating the city will be discussed as well as the potential for such actions to become a catalyst in the creation/re-creation/recreation of our cities.
With: Emile Zile, Kirsten Bradley (Cicada), Mickie Quick. Facilitator: Anna Tweeddale

See you no more - exhibition opening
6:00PM til late (ONE NIGHT ONLY) :: Vitanza City Projects, Old Rivoli Picture Theatre, Crn Brunswick and Kent St New Farm.

PAX (Pope Alice Xorporation) presents See You No More - an exhibition that brings together three queer artists working with photography and related photomedia. The exhibition is centred on an exploration of gay male subjectivity and its formation in visual discourses.
With: Jose Da Silva, Timothy Kendall Edser and Michael Markovic

Sunday 7th December

Connect Four Championship
6:00PM :: The Festival Club

Australia's first Connect Four Championships. Join world class players from across Brisbane in the redefining of Connect Four as the new Chess. Players will battle with time, technique and understanding of their opponents to be crowned Australia's first CONNECT FOUR CHAMPION. Additional extras available all week, include Politician guess who, old school consoles, Connect Four boards and a whole lot more good family fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With: Myoka Woulahan & L. Scott Etienne